FIshing Leader Storage Hack

Keep that Fishing leader clean and knot strung out, fussy, nicked or plain messy …

Skunkbeard has a quick and easy way that you can keep fishing leader clean, and saves time; check out this video to see how it’s done.

The number one used terminal tackle that needs to be replaced often is your fishing leader.

Snooks, rocks, barnacles, mangroves, and docks cause all types of nicks to occur, You got to replace it every trip at a minimum, and If you are good any fish over 24 inches can do a number to the leader and eventually you need to refresh that leader.

Fishing for Fun

Inshore Tampa Fishing Charters | Captain SkunkBeard Fishing Adventures


I was told that becoming a fishing captain would destroy my desire to fun fish. That sounded horrible to me, and even though I didn’t believe the people who told me that, somewhere in the back of my head I wondered “what if they are right?”.

It has been 2 years and several thousand smiles later, and I want to tell yall, still have not lost my desire to be on the water and fish. You know all the people I have seen gotten stoked on fishing and the lives that have been enhanced by just taking a day to fish with me, has done nothing but encourage and feed my desire to keep doing what I do best.

So here I am, slowing down from the summer months, its the middle of September and my birthday approaches. My mind starts to think, hey man when are we going fishing all alone like you used to? Something inside me says, but you enjoy it more when you see the shock and awe of other people faces as they see the monster fish. But since I didn’t really plan it out, I’ll be tackling those monsters single-handedly